“You can see the stars and still not see the light.” — The Eagles, Already Gone, 1974
Years of experience in technology have taught me a few hard lessons. The first lesson is that new technology is often over-hyped, forgetting that technology is a means, with business being the goal. As adoption begins, those steadfast few, the innovators, help us better understand the intrinsic business logic supporting adoption or see the light.
A recurring theme, as we progress from millions to billions of devices, is scalability. Scalability is omnipresent right now; companies are pivoting around the idea. MachNation, a Boston-based analyst group, recently launched a software platform to test vendor scalability claims. However, scalability is not just a technical issue, but instead can be broken out into several topics.
Invariably when we invoke IoT scalability, we begin by talking about the technological elephant in the room–How do we manage billions of devices? These devices will need to communicate securely. Building services to address billions of devices will be technically challenging, but Internet server capacity and technology stacks are improving by the day. Our view is that this cloud-first focus conveniently overlooks a key constraint—the devices themselves.
Overcoming scalability starts with robust, efficient, standardized services on the device, not in the cloud. Is data being managed intelligently, or are devices wasting resources? Micro, granular choices have macro, solution-wide cost implications.
There is a direct correlation, if not causation, between efficient device management, scalability, and therefore operational costs.
The second wave of scalability is operational costs.
IoT is a means. Objectives are efficiency and profits. When deploying an object, some essential questions are the following:
Intelligently using IoT will create opportunities, with the opposite being true as well. Lack of device management will inflate operational costs limiting adoption.
Scalability’s third wave will be our ability to share and exploit data throughout the IoT ecosystem intelligently. We think of this as IoT 2.0.
Take a very concrete, imaginable use-case–the electric car:
This use-case requires smart objects from different industries to securely, intelligently share data throughout diverse industrial ecosystems. Scalable IoT strategies must be flexible.
Successful organizations will capitalize on opportunities faster, less expensively, than their competition. Costs required to create or change a solution undermine business logic supporting IoT adoption, posing the real scalability challenge.
Three take-aways:
IoT will be smart from end-to-end, enterprise-to-consumer, industry-to-industry because it will be standardized, secure, and scalable.
Hatem is IoTerop’s CEO and co-founder of IoTerop. A former Intel employee, Hatem works to help organizations understand how standardized device management, and the supporting technologies, enable economically and operationally scalable IoT solutions.